De-Anonymized Website Traffic: Cold Email Best Practices to Maximize Your Outreach with Identity Matrix

June 20, 2024
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In today's digital age, capturing and converting leads is paramount for any business. Identity Matrix offers a powerful tool to de-anonymize web traffic, giving you access to a goldmine of potential leads.

However, the effectiveness of this tool hinges on how you approach these leads, especially when it comes to cold emailing. Here's a comprehensive guide on best practices for cold emailing de-anonymized website traffic, including when to email, how often, follow-up templates, recommended tools, and company-specific examples.

Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into the email content, it’s crucial to understand your target audience. De-anonymized website traffic means you now have access to individuals who have shown interest in your website but have not taken any actionable steps.

This indicates an engaged lead, which is different from a completely cold lead. Tailoring your message to resonate with their potential interests and needs is key.

In the case of Identity Matrix, you're seeing in-market, high-intent leads to varying degrees. If someone was on your website for just a few minutes on a blog, they have low intent and should be more focused on marketing nurturing. However, if someone was on your product, pricing, and related pages, that person deserves a personalized cold email with urgency.

Best Practices for Cold Emailing

1) Personalize Your Email:

Generic emails are often ignored. Use the information you have to personalize the email. Address the recipient by name and reference their specific interest or behavior on your website. Identity Matrix provides lead scores, indicating the intent of the prospect, and reveals what pages and how long each person viewed. This enables you to highly personalize the cold email to that person, their interests, and intent.

2) Craft a Compelling Subject Line

The subject line is your first impression. Make it intriguing and relevant; however, avoid the spam folder. Don't include subject lines with unique characters like dollar signs, words like "free", etc. Avoid clickbait and instead focus on something that provides value or piques curiosity. Best practices for a cold email subject line include:

    1. Brevity
    2. Ambiguity
    3. Avoid click-bait

3) Keep It Short and Sweet:

Attention spans are short. Get to the point quickly. Highlight the value you offer and include a clear call to action.

    1. A cold email is something everyone hates. Keep it to the point.
    2. Talk at a peer-to-peer level in your cold email outreach. Don't talk from a place of inferiority.
    3. The higher up the food chain you're targeting, keep it shorter and more concise. CEOs don't want to read novels, nor do they have time.

4) Provide Value:

Offer something of value right away. This could be a free trial, a valuable piece of content, or a discount. Make it clear why responding to your email is beneficial.

  1. Include a Clear Call to Action: What do you want the recipient to do next? Be clear and concise in your call to action, whether it’s scheduling a call, signing up for a demo, or downloading a resource.
  2. Follow Up: If you don’t get a response, don’t be discouraged. A polite follow-up email can remind the recipient of your offer and reignite their interest.

Timing and Frequency of Emails

Determining the right time and frequency to send cold emails is crucial for maximizing engagement without coming across as spammy.

When to Cold Email:

  • Initial Contact: Send the first email within 24 hours of identifying the lead. This ensures that their interaction with your website is still fresh in their minds.
  • Follow-Up Emails: Space out follow-up emails appropriately. A good rule of thumb is to wait 3-5 days before sending the first follow-up email, then gradually increase the interval for subsequent follow-ups.

How Often to Cold Email:

  • First Follow-Up: 2-3 days after the initial email.
  • Second Follow-Up: 3-5 days after the first follow-up.
  • Subsequent Follow-Ups: 5-7 days apart.

Examples of a Cold Email Campaign

Example 1: B2B SaaS Company (Identity Matrix)

Company Description: Identity Matrix is a leading SaaS company specializing in de-anonymizing web traffic and providing a robust lead intelligence database. Their tool helps businesses identify and convert anonymous web visitors into valuable leads by providing detailed contact information and insights.

Email Template:

Subject Line: Unlock the Full Potential of [Recipient's Company] with Identity Matrix

Email Content:

  1. Introduction and Personalization
    • Hi [Recipient's Name],
    • I noticed you visited our website and showed interest in our lead intelligence solutions. I wanted to personally reach out and see if you’re looking to streamline your lead generation process at [Recipient's Company].
  2. Value Proposition
    • At Identity Matrix, we specialize in helping businesses like yours identify and convert anonymous web traffic into valuable leads. Our tool provides instant access to contact information and insights, allowing you to boost your lead generation efforts.
  3. Call to Action
    • Are you available for a quick call this week to discuss how Identity Matrix can help you improve your lead conversion rates?
  4. Closing
    • Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example 2: E-Commerce Business (Oakley)

Company Description: Oakley is a renowned e-commerce brand known for its high-quality sunglasses, sports equipment, and apparel. They offer innovative and stylish products that cater to athletes and fashion enthusiasts alike.

Email Template:

Subject Line: Special Offer Just for You, [Recipient's Name]!

Email Content:

  1. Introduction and Personalization
    • Hi [Recipient's Name],
    • Thanks for visiting We noticed you were browsing our latest collection of sunglasses, and we wanted to make your decision a little easier.
  2. Value Proposition
    • Here’s a special 10% off discount code just for you: [DISCOUNT CODE]. Use it at checkout to save on your next purchase and enjoy the unmatched quality and style of Oakley sunglasses.
  3. Call to Action and Support Offer
    • If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!
  4. Closing
    • Happy Shopping, [Your Name]

Example 3: B2B Service Provider (Qualigence International)

Company Description: Qualigence International is a premier provider of talent acquisition and business performance solutions. They help organizations improve their hiring processes, enhance employee performance, and achieve their strategic goals through expert consulting and innovative services.

Email Template:

Subject Line: Improve [Recipient's Company]'s Efficiency with Our Expert Services

Email Content:

  1. Introduction and Personalization
    • Hi [Recipient's Name],
    • I’m [Your Name] from Qualigence International, and I noticed you visited our site recently. If you’re looking to enhance your talent acquisition and business performance, we have the expertise to help.
  2. Value Proposition and Credibility
    • Our team has helped companies like [Client Example] achieve significant improvements in their hiring processes and overall business efficiency. We’d love to do the same for [Recipient's Company].
  3. Call to Action
    • Would you be open to a 15-minute call to explore how we can support your goals?
  4. Closing
    • Looking forward to connecting, [Your Name]

State You Identified the Visitor?

It's worth noting that some industries might not appreciate your cold email states that you identified them as a visitor on the website. While it's becoming more and more known in the B2B space, there are a few areas you might want to avoid this in a cold email. Examples of these sectors are:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Municipalities
  • Defense

Outside of this, you will get very few complaints about mentioning this in your cold email campaigns. At the end of the day, the conversions of your cold email outweigh the risk of ticking off a single prospect.

Follow-Up Email Templates for Cold Email Campaigns

Effective follow-up emails can significantly increase your chances of a response. Here are a few follow-up templates:

Follow-Up 1: Reminder

Subject Line: [Recipient's Company Name] + [Your Company]

Email Content:

  1. Polite Reminder
    • Hi [Recipient's Name],
    • I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding Identity Matrix.
  2. Reiterate Value Proposition
    • We believe our tool can really help [Recipient's Company] with lead generation and conversion.
  3. Call to Action
    • Are you available for a quick call this week to discuss how we can assist you further?
  4. Closing
    • Looking forward to hearing from you, [Your Name]

Follow-Up 2: Offer More Value

Subject Line: Additional Resources for [Recipient's Company]

Email Content:

  1. Acknowledgment and Additional Value
    • Hi [Recipient's Name],
    • I hope you're well. I wanted to share some additional resources that might be of interest to you: [Link to Resource].
  2. Reiterate Offer
    • We’d still love to offer you a free trial of Identity Matrix. How are 50 free leads to test it out?
  3. Call to Action
    • If it's easier, I can simply whip up a free account for you?
  4. Closing
    • Best regards, [Your Name]

Follow-Up 3: If priorities change

Subject Line: Last Chance to Unlock the Full Potential of [Recipient's Company]

Email Content:

  1. Urgency and Final Offer
    • Hi [Recipient's Name],
    • This is my final follow-up regarding Identity Matrix. I assume priorities are elsewhere at this point?
  2. Restate Benefits
    • We really believe our tool can help you with lead generation and conversion. Knowing who, when, and where someone is on your site can boost your MQL rates by more than 25X.
  3. Call to Action
    • Let me know if you’d like to discuss this further.
  4. Closing
    • Best, [Your Name]

Sales and Marketing: A Unified Approach

To maximize the effectiveness of cold emailing and lead conversion, it's essential for sales and marketing teams to work together seamlessly. Here’s how:

Marketing Nurtures Aggressively: Marketing should focus on nurturing leads through targeted content, email campaigns, and personalized communication. This includes using the personal emails gathered from Identity Matrix to create retargeting campaigns for website visitors, without relying on third-party cookies that are becoming obsolete.

Sales Conducts Cold Outreach: While marketing nurtures, the sales team should focus on direct cold outreach, using the insights provided by Identity Matrix to tailor their messages. The integration of lead scores and detailed insights into the prospects’ behavior enables the sales team to prioritize high-intent leads and personalize their approach effectively.

By working together, sales and marketing can ensure that leads are nurtured at every stage of the funnel, increasing the likelihood of conversion and optimizing the overall customer journey.

Tools for Cold Emailing

Using the right tools can make your cold emailing process more efficient and effective. Here are some recommended tools:

  1. Email Tracking Tools: Tools like Mailtrack and Yesware help you track when your emails are opened and links are clicked.
  2. Email Automation Tools: Tools like Mailshake and Woodpecker allow you to automate your email sequences, making it easier to manage follow-ups.
  3. CRM Systems: Tools like HubSpot and Salesforce help you manage your leads and track interactions.
  4. Personalization Tools: Tools like Lemlist allow you to personalize your emails at scale.

New Trends in Cold Email Marketing

The world of cold email marketing is continuously evolving, with new trends emerging that significantly enhance engagement and conversion rates. One of the most notable trends is hyper-personalization, which goes beyond simply addressing recipients by name to include highly tailored content based on individual behaviors, preferences, and interactions.

AI and machine learning tools, such as those offered by, are also playing a crucial role, providing data-driven insights and predictive analytics to craft more effective email strategies.

Another growing trend is the use of interactive content within emails, such as embedded videos, GIFs, and clickable surveys, which increase recipient engagement and provide a more dynamic experience. Additionally, the shift towards more conversational and less formal language in cold emails is helping to build genuine connections with prospects.

Automated email sequences and follow-ups are becoming smarter and more intuitive, ensuring timely and relevant communication. These trends, driven by technological advancements and a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, are transforming cold email marketing into a more precise and impactful tool for businesses.

Legalities of Cold Emailing

Identity Matrix ensures full compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and all other U.S. privacy laws, guaranteeing that the leads provided have legally opted into partner marketing.

This compliance means that every lead in the Identity Matrix database has explicitly consented to receive marketing communications, thus eliminating concerns about unsolicited emails. By focusing exclusively on U.S. leads, Identity Matrix adheres strictly to domestic regulations, providing marketers with high-quality, legally obtained contacts. T

his commitment to regulatory adherence not only protects businesses from legal repercussions but also fosters trust and transparency between marketers and consumers, ensuring that marketing efforts are both effective and respectful of consumer privacy rights.


Using these structured templates and best practices for cold emailing de-anonymized website traffic can significantly enhance your outreach efforts. Each paragraph in these templates serves a specific purpose, from personalizing the email to providing value and encouraging action.

Tailor these templates to fit your specific audience, determine the optimal timing and frequency for sending emails, and utilize the right tools to streamline your process. By doing so, you can effectively convert these warm leads into loyal customers.

Utilize Identity Matrix to its full potential and watch your lead conversion rates soar.